Specialist Oral Surgeon IDC No. 9408
Kate graduated with first class honours from her Oral Surgery Clinical Doctorate, Trinity College Dublin in 2015. She works as a Paediatric Fellow in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department at St. James’ and CHI at Crumlin Children’s Hospital and in private practice. She serves on the Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI.
Kate graduated with honours in Dental Science from Trinity College Dublin in 2008. The following two years were spent in the Dublin Dental University Hospital, the first as a Junior House Officer and the latter as Senior House Officer in Oral Surgery. During this time, she obtained her MFD from the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. Kate then worked for a further two years as a Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in St. James’ Hospital Dublin and during this time was awarded an FFD in Oral Surgery/ Oral Medicine by the RCSI.
She then returned to the Dublin Dental University Hospital to complete a three-year clinical doctorate in Oral Surgery and graduated with first class honours in 2015. She completed the Fellowship in Oral Surgery and is registered as an oral surgeon specialist with the Irish Dental Council. Kate currently works as a Fellow in Maxillofacial Pediatric Surgery in Crumlin Children’s Hospital, in the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin as well as in private practice.