Root Canal Treatment Overview
Root Canal Treatment is a very common dental procedure. Advances in technology and practices have made this treatment as virtually pain free as getting a filling.
Inside each of your teeth is a pulp chamber in which the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue that help the roots of your teeth grow during development can be found. When the pulp in this chamber becomes infected it becomes necessary to remove the infection in order to prevent tooth loss and other potentially serious consequences. The most common cause of this decay or infection is a deep cavity, large restoration or cracked tooth, all of which can let bacteria enter the pulp. The procedure to remove infection is commonly known as a ‘root canal’. It is a safe, effective and quick way to preserve the quality and appearance of your smile.
Whenever possible, it is a good idea to try to preserve the natural tooth with root canal treatment and a crown rather than having the tooth extracted, since preserving the tooth also preserves your bite balance, avoids uneven wear and prevents neighbouring teeth from shifting into the gap left by a missing tooth. It is also less expensive than extracting a tooth and replacing it with a bridge or dental implant.
At Boyne Dental & Implant Clinic, Dr. Brian Vaughan provides all Root Canal Treatments under microscope magnifiction allowing him significantly enhanced vision of the entire tooth structure. This in turn increases the likelihood of a successful treatment. Brian has a special interest in the provision of endodontic treatments (RCTs), with other dentists referring their patients to him for treatment here at Boyne Dental. He is also skilled in the re-treatment of previously root treated teeth.