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Anxiety / Depression and Dental Fear

Anxiety / Depression and Dental Fear Overview

Anxiety and mood disorders are increasingly common in Ireland. The good news is more people are talking about it, and this helps to find coping strategies and solutions. Anxiety and depression can impact upon many aspects of life. Dental health and attending the dentist is just one of those. Dr Niall has actually explored this subject extensively; the overlap between anxiety disorders and dental anxiety was even the subject of his thesis in Trinity College Dublin. Niall understands that there are many different factors that can contribute to both dental anxiety and mental health. These can then begin to impact on each other and result in a vicious cycle that can lead to avoidance of the dentist, deteriorating dental health, and even reduced quality of life. There is therefore huge benefits in breaking this cycle. Niall has provided dental care and support for patients with many different issues that had an unhelpful impact upon their view of dentistry, their dental health, their self-confidence or even just the thought of the interaction involved in attending the dentist.

Generalised anxiety, social phobia, panic attacks/ disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia, depression, mood disorders or other phobias can all be part of the overall challenge. The factors that contribute to dental fear are multi-faceted and are unique to every single patient. Niall’s aim is to find the unique path forward that is right for you.

If you want to discuss how we can help you just call 046 9028683. Dr Niall would be delighted to help.

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