In order to make healthy decisions, it can help to understand the effects our lifestyle choices can have on our body, this includes our teeth. Here at Boyne Dental, we believe that arming you with the correct information is key to supporting your oral health, which is why we have created this guide.
We do not believe in preaching, telling you what should or shouldn’t be done with your body, but we do believe information is power. That is why we will work with you when it comes to oral hygiene and the quest for a brighter smile. In this news article we focus on smoking and its effects as well as the support we can offer to combat these issues.
According to the British Dental Association, smokers are nearly three times more likely than non-smokers to suffer from gum disease. In their response to the Department of Health consultation on the future of tobacco control, they note that only three per cent to six per cent of smokers are making use of the services per year. This is why here at Boyne we will aid you by signposting to local guidance and support should you request.
The effects
We are not here to judge or scare you, as the dangers of smoking are widely known; instead we will inform you of the effects and work with you to improve things. Here is a rundown of how smoking can affect your teeth
Over time, nicotine and tar in tobacco can stain your teeth, repeated use will lead to browning and can dull the sparkle of your peals. Smoking itself reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood stream meaning, should you get an infection, it is less able to heal, this is especially an issue as smokers tend to have an increase in plaque therefore they are more susceptible than non-smokers to experiencing infections and abscesses on the gums.
In order to combat the signs and effects of smoking, Boyne Dental offer cosmetic and preventative dental procedures.
Porcelain veneers are a great way to improve your smile if you are unhappy with the colour and appearance of your teeth. Veneers are a thin wafer of porcelain which is bonded to the tooth. A veneer is a little bit like a false nail but is permanently attached. Veneers have an average lifespan of 10-12 years, but by maintaining good oral hygiene can survive well in excess of this.
Regular check ups
As a smoker, it’s important to visit your dentist at least twice a year. Here at Boyne our dental hygienists can advise you further, as well as ensure your hygiene routine is as effective as it can be. Carol McGovern is our resident hygiene therapist and a “prevention specialist”. Her role in our practice is to work regularly with patients to ensure that a professional hygiene cleaning therapy works as a defense system against dental disease such as tooth decay and gingivitis. Our dentists also carry out oral cancer screening and will listen to your concerns.
To book an appointment of arrange an informal chat you can contact us in the following ways
- Boyne House, Church Hill, Navan, County Meath, Ireland
- +35316971240