Children's Preventative Dentistry

Young children often tend to be kept way from the dentist unless they are experiencing pain. While this is understandable it may not be the best plan of action. Children who are routinely brought to the dentist, at least annually, will tend to grow up with healthier mouths, requiring less expensive treatment and a more positive attitude towards their oral health and the dentist.

Generally a child exam with the dentist will be painless. X-rays will only be taken if considered necessary and unless there is a problem little more than a mirror and probe will be used! Children benefit immensely from early preventive measure like fissure sealants. Sealants, placed on sound healthy teeth are vital in managing and maintaining sound dentition in future years. Also regular dental assessments can allow you, as their parent to be prepared for the possibility of orthodontics in their late childhood /early teenage years.

A child exam costs n€25.00 and fissure seals are €25.00 per tooth. Please give us a call to book your child in over the coming summer months when they have a little more free time!


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